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7 Tips For Remembering To Take Your Medication and Supplements


When you live with Hypothyroidism, it can mean taking multiple medications and supplements each and every day.

In order to get the most out of your medications and supplements, you must take them consistently.

I hear from many thyroid patients living with brain fog and fatigue, asking me for tips for remembering to take all their medications and supplements.

Thyroid Medication in Hand

1. Use Your Phone

Setting an alarm on your phone, putting reminders in your phone calendar or keeping a list of medications and times to take them can be effective enough for some people, but personally, I’ve never found them to work longterm.

When I take so many things each day, I can’t have alarms going off that often! Especially when I’m at work or in meetings. Phone calendars and lists also require you to remember to check them frequently and if you’re struggling to remember to take your meds and supplements as it is, it’s possible you’ll also forget to do this.

2. Incorporate Them in to Everyday Routines

What definitely helps me, is tying the need to take something with an activity I do each day. At bedtime I take certain supplements, just before I shower I take my thyroid meds and with dinner I take my Vitamin D.

3. Leave Yourself Notes

You could leave yourself notes on the mirror, fridge, or even on top of your phone if it’s the first thing you check every morning! But again, you would also need to remember to put the notes there in the first place and there’s a chance you’ll become desensitised to them over time.

4. Use Pill Boxes 

Pill boxes are probably the most traditional way to remember tablets, but for me, I find it easy to forget which tablets are which when sharing the same box and they’re often not specific enough in terms of time either.

5. Ask Friends and Family to Remind You

Some of your friends and family may also take medications, so you could create a group that helps to remind each other. If you live with someone, make them aware of your meds schedule and ask them to try and remind you too.

6. Keep it Visible 

“Out of sight, out of mind,” is a phrase we’ve all heard before and it’s even true when it comes to remembering to take your meds! I keep the ones I forget to take most often on my armchair and it works well enough when they’re there, but I often move them which leads to me forgetting about them again!

7. Use Klikkit Buttons

There are a few phone apps on the market that work to remind you to take medications and supplements, but Klikkit combines this with a physical reminder too. Not only does your phone alarm you when you need to take your meds or supplements, but so does the physical button you place anywhere around your home.

My Own Experience of Using Klikkit Buttons

Klikkit very kindly offered to send me three buttons to try for myself and see what I thought.

The buttons came in three colours and were smaller than expected. They are a very convenient size. Instructions on the back of the packaging explained that I needed to download the app first and pair the buttons with it via Bluetooth.

This was simple enough, following the instructions in the app and easily getting the buttons connected to my phone within a few minutes. I was actually amazed at how simple it was. I was worried that those who aren’t too confident using smartphones and apps may be daunted by it, but anyone could manage the onscreen instructions.

I linked the first button to my digestive enzymes. It was definitely something I needed to remember to take more consistently! Being able to set it to remind me every mealtime was great and got me straight back in to the habit my gut health desperately needed!

What’s great about these handy little buttons is that you could even take them with you, sticking them to physical items in your bag.

When the first reminder went off, I was pleasantly surprised that the alarm noise wasn’t annoying or overly loud. With the item two rooms away, I could hear it through the doors being open, but if it was on a desk at work for example, it wouldn’t be invasive to other people working around you.

Friends and family (in my case, my husband) can also download the Klikkit app, and you can share your data with them too, so they can also make sure you’re taking all your meds and supplements.

The business version of the app allows this on a more comprehensive scale, which can include your healthcare team (such as doctors.)

I also attached buttons to remembering to drink water throughout the day (especially when engrossed in work) and taking my thyroid medication. They worked a treat to establish an actual routine for me.

You can find Klikkit buttons here, with the option to buy one or a pack of three, perfect to customise to your own needs.

Have you tried Klikkit buttons?

About Author

Rachel Hill is the highly ranked and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes writing articles, authoring books, producing her Thyroid Family email newsletters and speaking on podcasts and at events about the many aspects thyroid disease affects and how to overcome these. She is well-recognised as a crucial and influential contributor to the thyroid community and has a large social media presence. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate" and "You, Me and Hypothyroidism".

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