
I Have Been Nominated for the 2019 WEGO Health Awards!

I am honoured to say that I have been nominated for the WEGO Health Awards 2019!

Receiving nominations for an amazing eight different awards, they are:

  • Patient Leader Hero
  • Best in Show: Blog (read my blogs here)
  • Best Kept Secret
  • Best in Show: Facebook (see my Facebook page here
  • Advocating For Another 
  • Best in Show: Community (see my Facebook support group here)
  • Best in Show: Instagram (see my Instagram page here)
  • Best in Show: Twitter  (see my Twitter here)

These awards recognise patient leaders who are making an impact with their advocacy work, especially in the online community. It provides the opportunity for community members to thank and support the health advocates they follow and find helpful.

For instructions on how to vote, please scroll down.

As many of you know already, I work nonstop in advocating for better awareness, diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism and all its related health stuff and when I say that I am passionate about giving thyroid patients a voice and helping as many people as possible, I really do mean it. It’s my passion and what gets me out of bed on my own tough thyroid days.

Keeping authenticity and raw honesty behind my work, I am always open about my own thyroid journey and this is what makes The Invisible Hypothyroidism so unique. I work tirelessly but never get tired of being an advocate.

Now I have been asked by the WEGO Award organisers to turn to my community to ask you to take a second to endorse (vote for) me. 

Endorsements are a way to give nominees a visual show of support and work as ‘votes’. Thousands of people are nominated for these awards but only the top three people with the most votes automatically become finalists. So, by taking a second to vote for me, you’re supporting my nomination for the award, making it more likely that I will then go through as a finalist and have the chance to put thyroid disease in the spotlight.

You have until 28th July to vote for me and it is very important that you vote for me for each of the awards I currently stand for so we have a good chance!

If you have ever found any of my work to be helpful, please consider voting for me.



  1. Go to this link:
  2. Scroll to where it says ‘Endorse The Invisible Hypothyroidism’ on an orange ‘button’ under my photo and click it.
  3. Choose one of the eight awards I am nominated for, entering your name is optional, entering an email address is mandatory, then press ‘submit’.
  4. A window saying ‘Thank You For Supporting Patient Leaders!’ will open. Close this and then click ‘Endorse The Invisible Hypothyroidism’ under my photo again.
  5. One of the other eight awards I am nominated for will now show. Fill in name and email again and press ‘submit’. Repeat all eight times to vote for me in all categories.
About Author

Rachel Hill is the highly ranked and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes writing articles, authoring books, producing her Thyroid Family email newsletters and speaking on podcasts and at events about the many aspects thyroid disease affects and how to overcome these. She is well-recognised as a crucial and influential contributor to the thyroid community and has a large social media presence. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate" and "You, Me and Hypothyroidism".

1 Comment

  • Caz / InvisiblyMe
    July 3, 2019 at 4:06 pm

    Woooohoooo – A huge congratulations; I’ve endorsed & I hope your other readers will take a minute to do so too. I already saw that you’d been nominated and you so deserve to win because you are an incredible source of information, encouragement and compassion, and you’ve helped countless people through everything you do. You should be very proud.
    Caz xx


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